Monday, November 20, 2017

My Faves

Back again with another layout.

This was inspired by the last prompt I had left to complete from Shimelle's The 20 Project class, unflattering photo-phobia layout.

This uses a photo that isn't the best of me, but there weren't many taken of me alone around the time of the journaling, so I just went with it. I believe it is a photo one of my kids took of me.

This was a super fun layout to create. After having such a creative dry spell, it was a nice way to get into my space and make something fun.

This layout was inspired by a layout that Shimelle did on Facebook Friday live one week. She was using an inspiration piece from Pinterest as well, so this is a bit like telephone. My layout doesn't look much at all like the first. 

Since the inspiration came from Shimelle, I started with some of her products and in her first collection, found this rainbow-like paper and thought I would start there.

Since I was following the overall structure of her layout, I also needed to find a paper that would house my journaling and found another in that same collection that would work for that.

I wanted to mat my photo to add a bit of separation from the color and found some vellum from Cosmo Cricket in my stash that had gold glitter hearts on it. Layered it with a grid paper from Studio Calico.

Then came the fun part... I dived into my stash for all embellishments that matched the colors on the pattern paper. I used chipboard stickers, sequins, tissue paper confetti (from an old December Daily kit that had a good match for all 5 colors!), puffy stickers, buttons, enamel dots, gems, and plastic shapes.

Unlike Shimelle's layout, I kept the embellishments within the paper parameter, for the most part.

Used some gold glitter Thickers for the title to coordinate with the vellum. Added some glitter tape with some ghost stamping to repeat the gold. Also used my Gold Heidi Color Shine for the first time. I have been watching so many scrapbookers like Inkie Quill and Shimelle splatter the gold mist it was time to try it out!

Used a sticker from Studio Calico that was with the paper I used to mat the photo. Thought it made a good subtitle.

To connect the two patterns, I used a decorative tape from Ali Edwards. Love the contrast it gave.

Love all of the bits and pieces. Makes you want to reach out and touch it!

 Feel free to ask where any of the products came from and I will try to find out for you. 

Thanks for looking!


Monday, November 13, 2017


Sorry for the dry spell here on my blog.  Finally getting my mojo and just overall energy back. I have successfully exited the first trimester of pregnancy and the morning sickness is starting to subside. Just about to hit the halfway mark, so that is why I have been so absent here. Excited to add another baby to the family in April. This will be baby #4!

Here is a layout that I recently completed. This layout is based on a prompt from Ali Edwards' Hello Story class, direction. I wrote the journaling back when I took this class at Big Picture classes, just hadn't paired and printed photos for it.

For this layout I had pulled the Wild Story stamp as well as a Lawn Fawn stamp set that had a compass on it. I pulled the blue background paper because it also looked like it had compass shapes on it. 

When looking for coordinating paper with the blue, I ran across some leftover pieces of a Basic Grey collection that I thought paired well with the color and the overall feeling I wanted to convey with this layout.

If you look closely by the title, I stamped the Lawn Fawn stamp in the compass shape all over the background using a similar blue ink color. Unfortunately most of them were covered up by the photos and journaling.

I created the title using a chipboard alpha from Basic Grey. Framed it with some Studio Calico wood veneer arrows.

Used a Jenni Boland punch for the tabs that house the date the photos were taken.

In with the Basic Grey collection was some decorative border stickers which I used down the page. I layered white card stock to give it a softer feel and have more presence on the page.

On top I used some Heidi Grace Chipboard stickers,  a compass stamped from the Story Stamp set, and another wood arrow. 

Used a roller date stamp phrase but hand wrote my date. I apparently don't have a date stamp that is just month and year. Repeated the other embellishments in this cluster as well.

Here is my journaling. 

This was a hard story to tell, but worthy of being written. It talks about my daughters diagnosis of Down Syndrome and how I navigated that. 

I don't really mention her diagnosis in other layouts, but thought it should be addressed somewhere in our story. 

Thanks for taking a look!
I actually have another layout to share soon. One much less profound :)