Saturday, May 18, 2024

Burst Open

The layout I am sharing was inspired by the Ali Edwards Stork Kit theme of Open. I purchased the add on vellum tags with my Story Stamp set, giving me a taste of the kit without all of the components.

While watching Shimelle’s BOBW lives, she created a clothes line sketch and layout and thought it would be the perfect use of the tags!

I had quite the story to tell so this composition allowed for the space yet giving me room to play with the tags.

The background paper is an oldie but goodie Basic Grey background. I modified some of the tags length and even cut an element out of the middle of one that was getting covered by a photo to use elsewhere on the page.

One of the limitations of using sticker paper for the journaling is that it can only go up to 10.5 inches wide, which doesn’t span across the 12x12 canvas. To make this look more intentional I created an embellishment cluster to the right of it.

For a touch of color and the look of bursting open, I tore 2  edge sections of the background and peeled it back, exposing some Story Kit paper I had picked up from a revisited sale. 

Happy with how this one turned out. Thanks for visiting!

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